What is Sunshine Generation?
Sunshine Generation is an international
children's performing group with thousands of boys and girls participating in its award-winning curriculum. Sunshine Generation
is offered at hundreds of locations, including many daycares and pre-schools.
The unique Sunshine Generation program
will teach your child performance techniques and skills for success by providing training in the following:
Singing Songs are selected especially for your child's age and ability. Children
sing in the group, and also have opportunities to sing alone. |
Dancing Dances are choreographed for both boys and girls. As dance ability increases,
the choreography becomes more advanced. |
Showmanship Each child will be given the opportunity to use a microphone. Spoken
narrations are part of the curriculum. Confidence increases as the children perform for a variety of audiences and receive
their applause. |
Vocal Training and Music Theory Correct vocal techniques are taught. Children
learn vocabulary for music terms and sing a wide variety of music to enhance vocal qualities. |
Confidence All children have talents that can be developed. A child's self-esteem grows
as they realize that they have something wholesome and worthwhile to contribute.